LancerNation Mitsubishi Owner's Day 2024 Coverage

I has taken some time but we finally got all the coverage put out and man what a great turn out. What an amazing turn out for our 4th Mitsubishi Owner Day!
Thanks to everyone who came out! Here is our coverage of the show! If you have videos or more images please link them in this post!
Also tag yourselves or others you see in these shots. Thanks to the following for their pictures:
Phantom ( a.k.a.Juan Rodriguez
Tom Morrissette
Tim Murray (@jbxlancer)
Peal Priya Naha
If you can please find the time to fill out this survey so we can try to make next year even better it will be greatly appreciated!
#lancernationevents2024 #lancernationmod #lancernationmod2024 #modeast #modeast2024