About Us
LancerNation began as a close-knit group in the small state of Connecticut. Tim "JukEboX" recently purchased a 2009 Lancer GTS after his previous Lancer's transmission broke. After being invited to a car event he found there was a large seperation between owers of Lancer Evolutions and Lancer owners themselves, within the state. As a means to close the gap between Lancer evo and Lancer enthusiasts, he started a group called CT Lancers. Within five months the group had grown to well over 1200 followers on Instagram, had participated in events, and supported several charities. They had grown to help each other, cruise, meet, and have fun.
Seeing the success of CT Lancers, a friend from New York approached Tim with a proposal to start a similar group in New York. NY Lancers was born and after a summer of meeting people at multiple events, they quickly grew to over one hundred members and began hosting its own events, meets, and cruises.
THE RISE OF LancerNation
With the encouragement from members of CT Lancers and NY Lancers Tim expanded to include the rest of New England. It took 3 weeks (and a much needed vacation) but a group was established for each and every state in New England with a Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram account. The feedback he got was amazing and people from other states approached him wishing they had a group like that in their state. Soon after that, there were groups for all 50 states with staff for each group to help manage and promote their regional group. Now with the groups established and the main site built the real mission can begin.

LancerNation aims to bring Lancer owners, no matter what model (ES, SE, DE, GTS, GT, Ralliart, OZ Rally, Sportback, Evolution), together in their respective residential state to help each other in modding their car, doing cruises, attending shows & meets, discussing their car and interacting. With support from their respective staff members, different event holders, and community entities it is our hope that LancerNation becomes the best place new and veteran Lancer owners alike can find people close to them with the same car model addiction. We also want to help community entities and event holders get their word out across the car and Lancer community in hopes of getting better turn outs and interaction. Finally we hope to make the process of helping owners sell parts for their car easier and quicker. LancerNation is all based on community members and community growth. It can only become as big as the Lancer community helps it grow. As it grows we hope to learn more about our community, adapt to changing trends and promote the enthusiasm for the car we all love.